Thrive and Connect

A mental health therapy group for Therapists and Counselors

working in the mental health field

When: Monday 9am-11am October 9- November 20

Where: Virtual meetings with two in person October 23 and November 13th

Cost: 60$ a session billed at the end of each session

Size:4-6 participants

What to Expect:

Each group will begin with a way to connect to yourself and the group. We will then discuss a topic, followed by a personal exercise and closing with a take away. You can benefit from this group by sharing personal experience or by sharing nothing.

Week 1: Address Identity Personally and Professional

Week 2: Explore personal reactions to clients and how it relates to self and vales

Week 3: EMDR IGTP- OT (Integrated Group Treatment Protocol- On going Trauma)

Week4: Answering Ethical Delima from within


Week 6: Develop a plan for what has been exposed

Ready to Sign Up?

Interested in working together? Fill out some info and we will be in touch shortly! We can't wait to hear from you!