Make it stand out.

Thrive and Connect

This is a 6 week group catering to Health Care professionals. The group is hybrid between in person and electronic with 4 groups being virtual and 2 groups being in person. Each group is 2 hours in length. You can expect:

  • Ability to share or not share depending on your comfort

  • Time for processing utilizing specific techniques that have been proven to work. (Research on each skill is given in the introductory email)

  • 2 weeks of the groups will focus from an EMDR prospective which is a proven way to processes difficult topics

  • You can spend as little or as much time between sessions focusing on insights. It is completely up to you.

  • Free follow up session 6 weeks following the group.


  • Veterinarians

    Vicarious trauma, Burnout, Compassion Fatigue, Other workplace stressors all run rampant among those working with animals. Join those in like-minded struggle to work through your struggle whatever it may be. The next group day and time are pending. Please fill out the form below and I will let you know when the next group will start. This is for Colorado based veterinary workers.

  • Mental Health Workers

    Countertransference, Vicarious Trauma, Burnout, Compassion Fatigue. All are important words that are talked about in our schooling. However, it is easy to fall flat on actually treating them. This is a 6 week group that will dive into your personal reactions to your work and how you can strengthen them. Fill out the form below to hear about the next group. This is for Colorado based clinicians.

Are you ready to sign up? Do you have questions?

Interested in working together? Fill out some info and I will be in touch with you about next steps.